Image: Polina Osipova | IAiN CLARIDGE

Language is essential to helping us each feel seen, understood, and makes the wild and wondrous concepts of life digestible. Here at Benshen.co, we often quote the ancient text aphorism, “in the beginning was the word,” to emphasize the importance that before anything comes into the quantum field, is first a thought, then words that come out of our mouths… and then becomes a thing.

It is thought that our words are imbued with creative, life-giving energy. In his book, Hidden Language Codes: Reprogram Your Life by Reengineering Your Vocabulary, R. Neville Johnston literally describes words as software programs - the words we choose are the programs we upgrade into our lives. It's with words we solidify experience into the 3D and it's with words, learning how to consciously choose them, we can begin to change our lives.

“A closer examination of the idea of ‘words’ suggests that they are predesigned, prepackaged pieces of instruction that direct the flow of our intentions. Any word is like a software package. Our words are the programming by which we create our reality.”

- R. Neville Johnston

We each have the power to speak things into existence, which is why we are beyond passionate about the concept of CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION. It’s an idea much larger than a single newsletter (we’re dedicating a whole month to it in the Benshen Course in September because it’s so transformational) but we wanted to first zoom out and have a dialogue about what this actually means, and the level of power we wield once we’ve mastered the art of communicating consciously.

It goes so much deeper than bringing clarity to our thoughts. This idea has to do with our own creative potential and how we think about ourselves on an atomic level, which we then can extend this concept even further and relate it to how we speak and communicate with those around us.

We want to begin to learn how to look at what we say - to ourselves and others - and WHY we're saying it. As Esther Hicks often says, are we fighting for our limitations (focusing always on the problem) or are we turning the telescope around to something different. It may feel IMPOSSIBLE to do at first, especially when we are charged by a topic or situation. But in any moment, we have the opportunity to change the narrative, literally and energetically.

In this newsletter, we will discuss an important first step in dismantling the words we unconsciously choose (in our minds and out in the external world), and instead transform our language into something that creates exactly what we’re after.

After all, we can’t just walk into a restaurant and say, “I want food.” We have to be clear in what we want and the Universe will deliver—and this menu is infinite.


“When we open our mouths and vibrate a word into the field, the vibration of the word programs the field. We tell everything what to do all the time, with the vibrations from our words and thoughts. This is our method of programming our lives.




Image: Gordon Winarick


In R. Neville’s book, Hidden Language Codes, he divides the book into words he has dubbed “obsolete” and that disempower us, as well as words that empower and “serve us well.” Each word and cliché come with an explanation of how they shift our sense of personal power—words like can’t, fear, doubt, gossip, judgment or phrases like “I’ll never be..." slow down our momentum from us reaching our highest potential. He writes, “all disempowering words have certain recognizable traits… These words are guilt encrypted, inspiring fear; they always make us feel ‘less.’ They are designed to keep us in place.”

With that idea in mind, we offer an exercise on how can we take a real audit to our own vocabulary and see how we are speaking to ourselves and others, bridging the gap between what really we want and also how we really want to express ourselves.

EXERCISE: Set a time for 5 minutes and get ready to free-write any of the stories and frustrations about where you are now. Take a good look, are there any common phrases, words, sentences that are said again and again?

After those 5 minutes are up, take another 5 minutes and write a phrase/word that will replace each of those phrases. Then journal what is encoded in these powerful phrases that will shift reality. For example, instead of saying, “I'm bad with money," which may currently be true but keeps us stuck there without potential for shifting, say, “I'm excited to master my finances and learn more about money so I am financially sovereign!” Maybe this exercise leads you to take an honest look at your finances (WITHOUT JUDGMENT) and finally get excited about the topic of money.

Try swapping out these phrases for a week and noting what comes up…(does it turn out that you speak very destructively about your body, your relationship status, your work much more than you realized?)

From there, we can evaluate the tweaks in our speech that will make us feel better in the NOW and in the FUTURE we’re creating. It’s important to keep in mind this note: “In the process of your transmutation, forgive yourself when these word habits slip out and just call on the higher realms to assist you in the retooling of the thought process. Human potential is truly infinite.”


“Communication is your ticket to success, if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively.




