Image: Solange Guggenheim performance, Krisanne Johnson

When we think about the word “consequence,” it can carry a negative connotation, thinking back to getting in trouble at school or with our parents as kids. But the truth is, every sequence initiates a consequence—as in, every choice we make has outcomes or follows a chain reaction. This is one of the Universal Laws or Principles of Attraction called Sequences and Consequences.

Just like our world operates on specific Laws of Gravity, like what goes up must come down or an object in motion stays in motion, there are Universal Laws of Attraction. For example, when we take one step towards our dreams or goals, they take one step towards us - this is called the Law of Divine Transference.

When we think of Sequences and Consequences, we want to think of it as when we start a sequence, there is an outcome that comes from that. While the word consequence takes a negative connotation, the definition in the diction states that consequence is “a result or effect of an action or condition.”

This is where our intuition plays a part, always showing us within seconds two or more possible outcomes to any scenarios. We've all been there when we've chosen to move forward in one way and later we find ourselves says, “I wish I didn't do that” or “I wish I did that” or “I knew better…”

We can use our past experiences not to rule over the present but to help us navigate the sequences we begin in the now so we can have better sovereignty over the outcomes we desire. For example, if we're at a job interview and we get a gut feeling this isn't the right thing - maybe they're not offering the pay you desire but you think, oh, well, maybe that could change down the line, or the boss says something that doesn't sit well with you and you let it roll off you because you really want the job. Then months later, we find ourselves in a very sticky situation wishing we did things differently … that we started a different sequence.

Or maybe in dating, we meet someone that shows up on our doorstep with a bouquet of red flags and we think, “Oh, HOW NICE! I love red :)" Completely ignoring the signs and our intuition, we find out later this person actually isn't the right fit for XYZ reasons.

This idea has us thinking about how we can kick off positive sequences in our lives. Of course, it takes immense trust - trust in ourselves and our own internal compass, trust in our worth - that we deserve the best just because, and trust in our past to lovingly guide us to make powerful decisions in the present. Decisions not made out of fear but conscious and empowered choices that will allow us to feel like we're really in the drivers seat of our lives.

We can take this practice to another level, looking at ways to start sequences around us that allow our lives to become fuller, richer, and filled more kindness that starts a chain reaction. For example, holding a door for someone, giving the person next to you at the coffee shop an authentic compliment, or looking people in the eye and smiling when we might have started at our phones instead. You never know what that small sequence might start - maybe it's a new friendship, a business partner, a romantic relationship, or even just making someone smile when they really needed that.

If we all as took the initiative to start compassionate chain reactions, both for ourselves and others around us, imagine what could unfold? The exercise this week is a simple one: start a positive sequence - both for yourself and for those around you.

Maybe it's saying no to the job that doesn't want to pay you your rate or that person who isn't valuing your time, immediately making your intentions know to yourself and the universe, allowing for space for something else to come through. Remember what we hold onto, we also hold as energy and other things don't have space to come in.

On a macro level, make an intention to do one kind thing - maybe it's saying hello to one new person or taking your friend for an ice cream when they're having a bad day or spending one extra moment of your time holding the door for someone.

One of our mantras here at this month is a favorite quote; “Old keys don't open new doors.” Try something - or ten things - new this month. Do it differently than you've been doing it. Start the sequences you want to experience the outcomes of and see what unfolds…



– JOSEPH MURPHY, The Power of the Subconscious Mind


Image: Yulissa Benitez Amaro

Courage is such a big word and for a good reason: it means the ability to do the things that scare us. We all know the famous quote: “Feel the fear and do it anyways.” Courage also calls upon our strength. We all have an inner reservoir of strength that we have tapped into or pulled out of us in a time of need, almost surprising ourselves at the immense force that was inside of us. The truth is, it was there all along - something just invoked that courage and strength and pulled it out of us.

And then other times in life, we've got to be the ones to pull it out of ourselves. Everything we truly want is on the other side of fear (and just for full disclaimer, no we don't mean doing things are are unsafe kind of vibe).

Fear of failure.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of being seen.

Fear of being too much or too little.

Fear of not knowing enough.

These fears literally hold us back and keep us exactly where we are. And wow do I know about facing fears. It's funny - it took me a long time to realize that the goal of all these practices and tools and meditations and so forth is not just so that we feel good (although that's a real juicy side effect).

It's so that we can develop enough consciousness to see what are fears are, look at them in the face, and decide we are going to do something about them. This is the ultimate form of self-love - to love ourselves and our visions more than we love our fears and doubts.

I remember when I first launched these newsletters! It was SO scary for me to put the business out there in the world in this way. The doubt came POURING in. “Will people like it? What if no one reads them? What if I can't keep up and quit after we start?” I knew that all we had to do was launch and then it would get easier every time but wow I was sweating in places I did not know I could sweat. The team was holding me accountable to my word! As I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling having what certainly felt like a heart attack, Siobhan reminded me over text, “Done, not perfect :)"

With that, I knew she was right. My own pattern of perfectionism was getting in the way so I challenged my fears and HIT SEND. Boom, there it was - out in the world for all eyes to see. And guess what, the next time I still felt anxious but not as bad. And then the next. And then the next. And now, almost a year later, I look forward to creating these newsletters for you all with the team and sharing things that inspire us with you.

Sometimes, accountability is key because when we become afraid it's easy to stay where we are when our fears are louder than faith. That's what I love about Benshen Course - the pods are small groups of 4-5 other people who are also dreaming big, facing fears, and figuring out how to make the impossible possible.

With that said, I invite you to take on small step this week that moves in the direction of faith instead of fear. While it may feel like walking on a bed of hot cactus's in the moment, Hemingway once said, “Courage is grace under pressure.”

I liked that.


