Image: Oliver Herring x Rei Kawakubo, 1996

We continue to find so many gems of knowledge in the talk by motivational speaker, Jim Rohn, titled “The 10 Powers to Be Great”—this week we’re diving into the fifth power on his list: preparedness. “Life seemingly does not wish to waste success on the unprepared,” Jim says. It’s not only about “looking for the fortune or looking for the promises…but to prepare and ask of yourself, ‘ ‘what can I do to make myself ready?’” According to Jim, one aspect of being prepared is being a good giver, as practice for all we’re ready to receive, since reciprocity is one of the Laws of the Universe (like attracts like). He emphasizes the idea that we have to play an active role in seeking, learning, growing, and going deeper so that the opportunities we’re most desiring don’t float past us because we didn’t seize them. This reminds us of one of our favorite truisms—there are no mistakes in this life, only missed opportunities. Mistakes are really just missed chances to take (or do). Once we give momentum to these opportunities, whether they work out or not, then it is simply a lesson or a blessing. But we have to be ready to catch the blessings and alchemize the lessons, and that comes from preparedness. In a workshop with our inspirational friend and teacher, Birjiwan, she spoke about how the feminine, sensual pleasures of life can’t be fully in bloom until we first build out the framework for masculine pillars like discipline, consistency, and organization. These modes of preparation help to activate all of the creative, sovereign, (and ultimately fun) things that we most crave. It’s this combination of polarities that build G.O.D. energy, or Generate, Organize, and Deliver. It becomes a simple formula: the vision + preparedness = prosperity in action.

Embodying G.O.D. energy can fuel us by bringing thoughts to things, summoning dreams from the quantum realm into our 3D reality, all through the power of sequencing each moment with intention. As BJ Fogg once said, “If you pick the right small behavior and sequence it right, then you won’t have to motivate yourself to have it grow. It will just happen naturally, like a good seed planted in a good spot.”

With big changes that we want and big dreams that we each have, we need to be able to create the energetic space to hold that big of a vision and to keep it afloat. So, the question becomes—how do we prepare to make the most out of every opportunity that floats our way? How can we get ready for success in order to build the container for it to come? In this newsletter, we’ll explore what it means to practice the G.O.D. energy and prepare ourselves for all that we want. Because after we want it, what comes next is just as crucial.

"If doubt is challenging you and you do not act, doubts will GROW. Challenge the doubts with action and YOU will grow."


Image: Vase as still life, Roisin Kiely


When we carry a Vision in our mind’s eye, it can make us really excited for the first while and then once the fuel of giddiness wanes, we can oftentimes walk away from what we want most because it seems too disparate from where we are now. But what if we took the time to get granular about what it is we have to prepare for in our lives for the blessings to flood in?

It can be confusing to know where to start to create the organizational structures necessary to build out our Vision. So, let’s make it fun to know how, as Esther Hicks says, “to be ready to be ready to be ready.”

On a piece of paper, write your vision in a sentence and draw a big circle around it. From there, create a thought map that breaks down the steps before, before, before you get to the culmination of your Vision.

So for example, if your vision is to own your own space and host beautiful, lavish gatherings for friends and community, what are the steps to take before this Vision occurs? Maybe it’s acquiring proper homeowners insurance or licensing, maybe it’s connecting with real estate agents that know of unique listings, maybe it’s test and rent out a space for a month and see what the experience teaches you about something you want long term?

These thought bubbles will help you create actionable steps that prepare you for the weight and magnificence of your Vision. To make it even more actionable, begin your week with a journal question: “today I will xyz to prepare myself to have all I desire.” This exercise holds us accountable for making room for blessings and prosperity, instead of seeing the tools at our disposal and passing them by.

“A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation.


Image: Aweng Chuol by Natth Jaturpahu, Vogue Thailand

“Opportunity comes along and passes by those persons that are not well prepared.”



